
Castmagic: Turn audio into content, like magic.


Castmagic provides high-quality transcriptions of your audio recordings, with speaker labeling, timestamps, and playback. This makes it easy to create engaging and informative written content from your audio recordings, without having to spend hours manually transcribing them yourself.

Show notes

Castmagic can also generate show notes for your podcast episodes, complete with timestamps, topics, and speaker bios. This saves you time and effort and makes it easier for your listeners to find the information they're looking for in your episodes.


Castmagic can also generate short summaries of your podcast episodes, broken out by speaker. This is a great way to give your listeners a quick overview of what was discussed in each episode, and to highlight the key takeaways.

Social media content

Castmagic can also generate social media content from your podcast episodes, including tweet threads, LinkedIn posts, and quotes for clips. This makes it easy to share your content with your followers on social media and promote your podcast.


Castmagic also integrates with ChatGPT, which allows you to create custom prompts and generate audio files based on your transcripts. This is a great way to create new content from your existing audio recordings, or to create supplementary content for your podcast episodes.

Overall, Castmagic is a powerful AI-powered platform that can help you turn your audio content into engaging and informative written content, social media assets, and even new audio files. It's a great way to save time and effort, and to create more content for your audience.


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