Unlocking Advanced GPTs for Your Website: A Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome to Northera AI's tutorial on creating advanced lead generation custom GPTs for your website. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through building a powerful chatbot that can answer questions, calculate solar savings, and capture leads seamlessly. Leveraging the Assistant API, Google API, and more, we'll empower you to implement these GPTs on any website.

Understanding the Opportunity

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, leveraging AI is crucial to staying ahead. Northera AI emphasizes testing over 500 AI tools to identify the most effective ones, tailoring AI strategies for unique business challenges, providing bespoke solutions, and curating a directory of AI tools.

Bringing GPTs to the Real World

If you've created powerful GPTs on the Chat GPT Builder, you should break them out of the platform for real-world use. The Assistant API allows you to take your GPTs beyond the Chat GPT site, offering a broader application and unlocking immense value for businesses.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Fork the Replit Template

Fork the provided Replit template named "solar-lead-gen-chatbot."

Setup on Replit

Open the main file; minimal changes are required, and any necessary modifications will be highlighted.

Create Your Knowledge Base

Upload a single document containing detailed information about your business or website.

Define Assistant's Role (Prompting)

Clearly outline the assistant's role, including answering business-related questions, calculating savings, and capturing leads.

Implement Actions

Specify actions such as calculating savings using the Google API and capturing leads.


Deploy Your GPT

Use Replit to deploy your GPT. The provided template is user-friendly and requires minimal coding knowledge.

Integrate with Voiceflow

Utilize Voiceflow as the front end to integrate your GPT seamlessly with any website.


You've successfully created an advanced lead generation GPT for solar companies. This powerful tool can answer queries, calculate solar savings, and capture leads, providing immense value to businesses.


Q: Can I use this GPT on any website?

A: The tutorial emphasizes the versatility of implementing GPTs on any website.

Q: How complex is the knowledge base setup?

A: Uploading a document with solar information is straightforward; no advanced knowledge is required.

Q: Can I customize the assistant's role further?

A: Absolutely, you can tailor the assistant's role based on your specific business needs.

Q: Is coding knowledge necessary for deployment?

A: The provided Repet template simplifies deployment, requiring minimal coding expertise.

Q: Can I modify the actions for different applications?

A: The tutorial encourages adapting actions to suit various use cases and industries.


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